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How to Prepare a File for 3D Printing with OTTO

All eyes are on additive manufacturing these days, and it's easy to see why. Innovation is possible on any scale, from the microscopic to the massive. And while taking on advanced materials and technology may seem like a lot to harness, outsourcing 3D printing to OTTO is a terrific way to expand manufacturing capabilities and add a new stream of revenue too. 

Promising high quality industrial grade 3D printing without any capital expenditure, OTTO performs all the heavy lifting. Serving as a comprehensive software solution, the goal is to tie the entire manufacturing process together on a streamlined digital platform, and take all the challenge out of 3D printing. Ultimately, although very little effort is required on the part of OTTO customers, there are certain simple areas where questions and the need for guidance may arise.

Uploading 3D Models: The Process

Uploading files to OTTO is one of the easiest tasks, but obstacles still occur; for example, without proper support, file incompatibility is one of the easiest ways to lose a customer who may be struggling to upload a 3D model successfully or 3D print STL files.

Create an Account or Sign In

Questions are common regarding issues like converting STL files for 3D printing but in most cases, the process is as easy as creating an account or signing in, and beginning to upload 3D models with compatible file types. These files include:

  • STL
  • DAE
  • X3D
  • X3DB
  • WRL
  • 3MF
  • STEP
  • STP

Instant Quoting for Compatible Files with Correct Sizes

Files can be dragged and dropped with ease, whether from the individual computer hard drive or by clicking on the upload box and selecting the file from the open pop-up for easy transferring. Up to 20 files can be uploaded at once, but they must be smaller than 64 MB, containing less than 1 million polygons; otherwise, it may be necessary to compress the larger file to a ZIP folder and/or reduce the polygon count of the 3D model. Quotes are instantly available along with the upload process, accompanied by file analysis.

Prepare for File Analysis and Feedback

The ability to examine files for printability is critical to the success of customized 3D models that may require modifications due to common issues like improper planning for supports, problems with orientation, texture, walls and wire thickness, or overall weak geometries. Even more commonly, files may not be printable due to incompatibility with materials and/or the technology selected.

OTTO takes over after the 3D print upload, and this includes comprehensive quality management to include analysis of each file and printability, but beyond that this requires monitoring 3D printed parts during production to fend off problems and avoid failed prints. Factories are ISO 9001 and IATF certified for meeting quality management standards as well as meeting the requirements for automotive part manufacturing, respectively.

Customized parts receive customized feedback too, especially during the analysis phase when products cannot be printed unless the designer resolves specific issues. Along with that, customized quality management is provided, including testing. All parts must be evaluated for excellence before they are prepared for shipping–whether going to the manufacturer or directly to customers in white-label packaging.

Advanced Technology and Materials for Industrial Applications

OTTO 3D printed parts may be produced with a variety of advanced materials and technology–ranging from metal production with Binder Jetting and Stainless Steel 17-4PH to the use of versatile thermoplastics with Nylon 11 or Nylon 12 via Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). Customers working in the following applications typically use OTTO for industrial applications like aerospace and drones, automotive, electronics, mechanical, medical, and robotics.

Other Important Features

  • A customized ordering page for each company, featuring their logo, colors, and brand, all front and center.
  • A wide range of choices for customers in terms of additive manufacturing technology, as well as materials and finishes.
  • Customer service insight, to include pricing information, issuing of refunds, and one central area for answers to commonly asked customer questions.
  • Automated reporting for tracking customer orders, maintaining customer information, and monitoring revenue through OTTO.

The key to success with OTTO is the level of experience behind the software. Created for manufacturers by manufacturers, OTTO streamlines AM production for everyone, making the process straightforward no matter the skill level of the designer, the complexity of the 3D model, or the volume of 3D printed parts required.

About Us

OTTO enables manufacturers to offer 3D printing to their customers without any capital expenditure. Our manufacturing enterprise software is easily integrated, simplifying production of 3D printed parts in any volume with a wide variety of suitable materials and technologies—meeting the most advanced standards for any manufacturing enterprise.  

Request a demo to learn more.

  • 3D print STL files
  • 3d print upload
  • 3D printing STL files
  • 3D printing upload design
  • How to prepare a file for 3D printin
  • STL file 3D printing
  • STL files for 3D printing
  • upload 3D print files
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